
KeeAgent, like any other KeePass 2.x plugin, is installed by copying the .plgx file to the Plugins folder of the KeePass 2.x installation. The location of this folder depends on how you installed KeePass 2.x (e.g. using an installer or using the portable version).



Users of the Chocolatey package manager may find a KeeAgent package there (maintained by a 3rd party).

  1. Download KeeAgent from

  2. Open the zip file

    screenshot of Windows Explorer showing the contents of the downloaded KeeAgent zip file
  3. In another Explorer window, open the KeePass 2.x Plugins folder.

    screenshot of Windows Explorer showing KeePass 2.x Plugins directory


    If you used the Windows installer to install KeePass, then the folder will be C:\Program Files\KeePass Password Safe 2\Plugins (or Program Files (x86) for older versions of KeePass).

    If you are using the portable version of KeePass 2.x, then hopefully you remember where you installed it.

  4. Drag and drop the KeeAgent.plgx file from the zip file to the KeePass 2.x Plugins folder, replacing the existing file if you have previously installed KeeAgent.

    screenshot of Windows Explorer showing dropping a file into the KeePass 2.x Plugins directory


Packaging for Linux distributions is maintained by 3rd parties.


There are several 3rd party AUR packages for KeeAgent.

And, you may find something about KeeAgent on the Arch Wiki.

Everyone Else

This assumes that you already have KeePass 2.x (and therefore Mono) already successfully installed. If you have not already, install the mono-complete package from your distro. Then extract KeeAgent.plgx from the zip file and copy it to the Plugins folder where KeePass.exe is located. This is usually at /usr/lib/keepass2/Plugins/ unless you are using the portable version of KeePass 2.x, in which case, hopefully you remember where you installed it.


On macOS, it is assumed that you are using the portable version of KeePass 2.x.

  • Open the folder that contains KeePass.exe.

  • Drag and drop KeeAgent.plgx into the Plugins subdirectory.

  • Restart KeePass if it was already running.